Tuesday, 11 December 2012

How to make dark lips lighter (NATURALLY)

Hello my loves, this is going to be a really quick blog post as I just posted up a lip care routine. A lot of people have very pigamented lips and find it hard to have opaque colours is their lips. I've found a few household products that can be used to help lighten lips over time, I am currently testing out these products for myself but have seen them work on others. All these household products contain non-harmful lightening agents that help lighten the skin.

  • Make a lip scrub containing; 1/2 cup of sugar, 1 tablespoon of olive oil (for exfoilating and moisture) and a teaspoon of lemon juice. This can  be stored in a small container and used daily.
  • Exfoilate your lips using a bit of toothpaste on a toothbrush, remember not to brush too hard as you don't want to rip your skin.
  • Moisture your lips using almond oil during the night and a lip balm containing SPF during the day.
Thank You


  1. Our lips are considered the least-protected organ of the body. They lack sweat glands and have only a thin layer of skin. This is why they are always prone to external threat.here are numerous causes of the darkening of lips such as smoking or excessively drinking tea and coffee or even biting and licking lips continuously. Scientifically, Dark Lips are a result of abundant amount of a pigment called melanin located on lips. So the question arises, how to lighten dark lips?
    Lip Lite works like a panacea for lips. It is particularly designed for de-pigmentation of lips. It helps to abate pigment formation that causes darkness and results in bright and pink lips that aesthetically define your face. It is the best lip balm for dark lips.


  2. Our lips are considered the least-protected organ of the body. They lack sweat glands and have only a thin layer of skin. This is why they are always prone to external threat.here are numerous causes of the darkening of lips such as smoking or excessively drinking tea and coffee or even biting and licking lips continuously. Scientifically, Dark Lips are a result of abundant amount of a pigment called melanin located on lips. So the question arises, how to lighten dark lips?
    Lip Lite works like a panacea for lips. It is particularly designed for de-pigmentation of lips. It helps to abate pigment formation that causes darkness and results in bright and pink lips that aesthetically define your face. It is the best lip balm for dark lips.
